Yes, you should skip breakfast,

Yes, you should skip breakfast if you’re trying to lose weight. The biggest problem we have with maintaining a healthy weight is our body’s fat storage rate.


If you eat more food than your body burns your body will store more fat than you use on a daily basis, which results in gain weight. To be able to burn the fat stored by your body, you need move or workout enough to tap into your fat storage for energy, besides the food you eat daily. In other words you need to eat less than your weight. If it takes 5 apples a day to stay at 60kg, then you will need to consume 4 apples or less a day to lose weight. But all of this needs to be done in a healthy manner.

With intermittent fasting, for the first 12 plus hours you don’t eat any food, the only thing that goes into your mouth is unsweetened tea/coffee and plain water (6-8 cups a day). Consuming these liquids will not break your fast. After the 12 hours you can eat a full meal, of your choice. But to maintain and lose the unwanted weight in a healthy way, you need to eat right, have a balanced diet and exercise daily. A healthy and balanced diet consists of natural (unprocessed) fats, vegetables, meat, fruits and non-processed foods all in the right proportions.

Ideally start of with fasting for 12 hours, then as you get use to the fasting week by week increase the amount of time you fast by an hour every week until you get to 14-16 hours. Try not to eat within the two hours before going to sleep. Intermittent fasting is something that requires a lot of self-discipline but it can be done. Do intermittent fasting for at least 30 days before quitting, incorporate working out for an average of 30 minutes a day or just walking at least 6 km every day.


When you’re in the 12-hour window of fasting, your body is not getting any food, hence your body is forced to tap into the fat storage you have. Which results in weight loss. Exercising during your fasting period is the best thing you can do to lose more weight. Because working out requires a lot of energy your body needs to get that energy from somewhere, and the best lace is the fat on your body, If you were to eat before working out, then your body would tap into the food you just ate for energy instead of the fat on your body.


Avoid the diet If you are pregnant, diabetic, child, adolescent, over 70, kidney/renal issues, anorexic, bulimic, binge eater, low body index, recently from hospital. Discuss any chronic conditions with your health care provider.


One of the things you will experience is a possible increase in libido. During the time you are not eating, your blood is not transporting any food, it’s free to transport other substances such as your hormones especially to your genital areas. Which makes you feel more “hornier” than usual.

Beside weight loss there are other benefits of intermittent fasting:

  • Cellular repair
  • Clarity of mind
  • Lowers insulin resistance, thus reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Reduces aging
  • Improving blood pressure, thus heart health
  • Reducing the risk of cancer

Foods you should eat

  • Whole Foods
  • Fish,
  • Grass fed meat
  • Avocados
  • Eggs
  • Nuts grass
  • fed butter
  • Unprocessed carbohydrates
  • Green leafy veggies (spinach, asparagus, bell peppers, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, onions, tomatoes, jute mallow, cucumber, etc)
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Coconut oil, avocado oil
  • Nuts
  • Pumpkin
  • Seeds (flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, etc)
  • A bit of full fat dairy
  • Don’t overdo fruits
  • Olives
  • Garlic


Don’t consume

  • Processed sugar (instead try xylitol)
  • Alcohol
  • Processed food, pasta, pastry, bread, and junk food.
  • Fizzy/carbonated drinks


Remember to Keep hydrated

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